Sounds f*cking ridiculous right? but yes, there is a condition called the Black Hairy Tongue. Even if you only smoke 'like once in a while when I'm drunk' you can still develop this condition which causes the tongue to become yellow, green, black, or brown, and give the appearance of being hairy. Basically you'll look like this Panda:

Which is actually pretty cool, so maybe you should keep smoking and not cleaning your tongue. But if you do want to prevent such a condition then you should probably scrape that nasty bacteria that builds up on your tongue from smoking. Dollar Fresh Squad offers you the best tongue scraper on the market. When you join the squad a fresh one is sent to you each month for just $1 (+$2 S+H).
Obviously I put a picture of what a Black Hairy Tongue looks like. Scroll all the way down if you wish...