If You Vape, Get A Tongue Scraper

Have you ever experienced "vaper's tongue"? Leo knows all about it... It's caused by some sort of film build up from the PG, VG & flavoring.

If you want your mouth to feel amazingly clean, as any former smoker would want, you need to use a tongue scraper daily (It should go without saying that flossing helps too, but the tongue scraper just brings it to another level.) Finish with a little mouthwash, and your mouth will never feel so clean.

I use this brand, because it's the best and you get to subscribe to receive a new one each month for just $1 (+$2 S+H)

Why Everyone Should Consider Tongue Scraping (Huffington Post)

Claire McCormick, a Beauty & wellness enthusiast, book nerd, proud mama, and writer for the Huffington post. Wrote this piece on Tongue Scraping on July 28, 2016...

"There’s been a flurry of articles recently about the ancient Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling. Everyone from fashion blogs to CNN have been extolling the benefits oil pulling and recommending the best oil types with which to swish. Perhaps it is our newfound collective obsession with holistic living (of which organic oils are an integral part) that had oil pulling become so on-trend. Not that I’m knocking it — I’ve tried it and found it beneficial... albeit gross.

An Alternative to Oil Pulling
There is, however, another Ayurvedic practice that has not received the same love and attention that oil pulling has, but that has proven benefits to which I can personally attest. I’m writing this to set that record straight and shed some light on... tongue scraping.

Tongue Scraping? Sounds Painful...
It’s not. It is a quick, simple and extremely inexpensive practice (all you need is a $7 tongue cleaner!) that reaps many benefits. I call tongue scraping the “unsung hero of oral health.” I have been enthusiastically tongue scraping for years now, and I don’t see how anyone could try tongue scraping once, see the gunk you remove from your tongue, and not become an enthusiast as well. I therefore urge you to go out and start scraping today.

How About a Professional Opinion?
Kim Shamoun, a veteran registered dental hygienist and fellow tongue scraping zealot, says, “I can’t live without tongue scraping. Without a doubt, it should be a part of our daily oral hygiene regimen. I stress to my patients, friends, family and strangers alike how important it really is. A tongue scraper is the one thing I would want with me on a deserted island... forget the lipstick!”

Why Else Would I Do Something that Sounds Like Medieval Torture?
We all know about, and to some extent suffer from, morning breath. (Am I the only one that performs a huge eye roll when movie lovebirds play kissy face immediately upon waking? No one is doing that IRL. Get a grip, directors.)

Well it just so happens that tongue scraping is one of the best defenses against halitosis, period! And if you scrape regularly, especially before bed, your morning breath will be drastically reduced. Why? Think about it: It’s called “oral hygiene.” So you brush your teeth, you floss your gums, but that big plush carpet that sits on the bottom of your mouth gets ignored. Doesn’t make much sense, does it? Actually, the soft, spongy, bumpy texture of the tongue is the perfect little breeding ground for bacteria! What you scrape off your tongue is this bacteria along with various other toxins (ick). This bacteria is odor-causing, so the less bacteria, the less smell.

How Else Does a Dirty Mouth Affect Overall Health?
Taste. Housing our taste buds is the tongue’s best-known role. But when your tongue is coated in gunk, your taste buds have no chance to fully enjoy that wild mushroom risotto, molten chocolate cake or any other delicious morsel. And decreased taste actually leads to decreased...

Digestion. We all know that digestion begins in the mouth; saliva is filled with enzymes that start breaking down food. And, you know, there’s that chewing thing as well. The cleaner the mouth, the better you can taste your food (i.e., the more “mouth-watering” it is) the better your digestion is!

Plaque. The more soft plaque you have on your tongue, the more hard plaque will form on your teeth. This leads to — yup — bad breath, but also tooth decay! As an aside, every time I go for my biannual teeth cleaning, my dentist compliments me on my at-home oral care. She’s actually told me “There’s really no plaque here for me to clean.” Thank you, tongue scraping!

Overall health. According to the Mayo Clinic (just one of many sources on this subject), oral bacteria and poor oral hygiene are linked to several other diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even infertility. At less than a minute a day, tongue scraping is the ultimate ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure!

You Might Be Saying...
You may read this and say (perhaps a bit smugly), “I do clean my tongue, with my toothbrush!” Well, your heart’s in the right place, but you’ve got the wrong tool in your hand. “An ordinary toothbrush is not recommended; it does not remove the micro-organisms from the tongue properly” says Shamoun. Just as the malleable surface of your multi-bristled toothbrush is optimal for cleaning the hard surface of your teeth, you need a solid surface (like a stainless steel tongue scraper) to really clean the squishy surface of your tongue. A U-shaped tongue scraper is where it’s at. I really like super-stylish Amano metal tongue cleaners; Shamoun recommends Breath Rx.

A Tongue Scraping How-to Guide
As I said, it is quick and simple, though timing does matter. Ideally, you want to tongue scrape as soon upon waking as possible, before you’ve eaten anything, drank anything or brushed your teeth. Just open wide (you don’t want to hit your teeth with the scraper), stick your tongue out and, starting from the back, glide the scraper over your entire tongue. Rinse it after each scrape. Do this at least five times, and/or until your scrapes come up clean, meaning you’ve gotten all the gunk off! You may want to do it in the bathroom mirror over the sink at first, so you can make sure you are getting to the back of your tongue. Then, once you’re familiar with the feeling of that, you can do it sans mirror.

“The most posterior portion of the tongue collects the most buildup, so you really have to make sure you reach far back. The frequency should be a regular basis, morning and evening,” advises Shamoun."

Follow Claire McCormack on Twitter: www.twitter.com/clairemcmack

You don't want Salivary Gland Stones, so scrape your tongue (VIDEO)

Strolling through my Facebook feed today I come across a Mashable Article about a disgusting video (with over 1 million views) involving Salivary Gland Stones. If you have issues with extremely disgusting things then please don't watch the video below. While scraping your tongue is great for hangover cures, having good breath on a date, or even preventing preventing soar throats, Salivary Gland Stones might be the main thing I'm happy to be preventing while I scrape. The surface of your tongue is filled with bacteria and that spreads to other places of your mouth and causes things like canker sores and potentially SALIVARY GLAND STONES! Improve the overall hygiene of your mouth by scraping your tongue regularly. Join the Dollar Fresh Squad to receive a fresh tongue scraper in the mail each month. It's less than the price of a cup of Starbucks Coffee each month in order to protect your mouth.

Now watch the video if you dare:

You smoke? Here's how you can prevent the Black Hairy Tongue condition

Sounds f*cking ridiculous right? but yes, there is a condition called the Black Hairy Tongue. Even if you only smoke 'like once in a while when I'm drunk' you can still develop this condition which causes the tongue to become yellow, green, black, or brown, and give the appearance of being hairy. Basically you'll look like this Panda:

Which is actually pretty cool, so maybe you should keep smoking and not cleaning your tongue. But if you do want to prevent such a condition then you should probably scrape that nasty bacteria that builds up on your tongue from smoking. Dollar Fresh Squad offers you the best tongue scraper on the market. When you join the squad a fresh one is sent to you each month for just $1 (+$2 S+H).

Obviously I put a picture of what a Black Hairy Tongue looks like. Scroll all the way down if you wish...

5 things to do before a first date

I don't care who you are - we all get butterflies in our stomach before a first date. Here are the top 5 things you can do before a first date in order to get into a comfortable state of mind:

1) Pick a spot that you're familiar with: The more surprises and unexpected situations, the more stressed you will be. It's important that you pick a venue that you've been to so you can take away a few elements of surprise, because let's be real - first dates are full of surprises.

2) Take a Shower: I hope this one isn't news to anyone. Take a damn shower before you go on your date, because you never know - you might get lucky and your partner might be into some freaky shit that calls for a prior shower.

3) Scrape your tongue: Simple, but wildly forgotten. The core of bad breath stems from the tongue. All that nasty bacteria sits on your tongue and builds up into a nasty beast. Why not use a simple tongue scraper to scrape that nastiness away. You will instantly feel more confident | check out Dollar Fresh Squad for the best and most affordable tongue scraper.

4) Listen to some pump up music: Michael Phelps does it before a race, so why wouldn't you do it before a date. It's important to get your blood flowing and get into the proper mind set to win. Nothing helps in that category like some good old fashion pump up music.

5) Take a deep breath: Be sure to arrive 10 minutes early so you can scope out the scene. Then when you see your date coming take an inconspicuous deep breath and you should be ready to go.

If you follow these 5 steps there is a 83% chance you get laid... Don't ask, it's science.