5 Things You Might Forget to Pack When You Travel (... Don't)

Broad City season 3 episode 9 broad city ilana wexler GIF

Packing for a trip is always a huge ordeal – just how are you supposed to fit your entire wardrobe, 5 pairs of shoes, 10 books, an ultra-fancy first-aid kit for every potential emergency situation, a laptop, a tablet, and extra batteries for your cellphone in that tiny suitcase?

While there’s no blog post or YouTube video with a perfect list of things you’ll absolutely positively need when you travel, here’s a list of 5 things you should pack first:

1) Passport

This is a no-brainer if you’re traveling out of the country, but carrying a passport is something you should consider even when you’re traveling domestically. You would never want to be stuck without a passport in the event that you need to take an impromptu trip out of the country, and it can also serve as a second form of identification if your first form is ever lost or stolen.

A word of precaution: Never carry your passport in the same pocket as your cellphone and wallet. Keep it in an inside pocket or in a bag that you can keep in front of you at all times.

beyonce passport

2) Wet Wipes

Let’s face it -- flying is dirty business. Between the deep-cleanings that occur every month (or two), planes can become germ fests. With hundreds of people moving in and out of the confined spaces of a plane, you’ll most likely end up sitting in someone’s germs. Yuck. Take some wet wipes in your carry-on bag and make sure to wipe down your seat, your armrest, and definitely your tray table. 

3) Tongue Scraper

Traveling can expose your body to all sorts of new bacteria and toxins in the environment, drinks, and food. But before you go ahead and buy yourself a human-sized inflatable bubble on Amazon, there is an easier and cheaper way to help your body stay healthy: tongue scraping

Regular tongue scraping can help your body cleanse itself of toxins, stimulate your internal organs, and clean your taste buds to enhance your sense of taste. After all, there’s no fun in travel if you can’t enjoy all the delicious food, right?

4) Jacket

Even if you think you’re traveling to a warm location, a waterproof, windproof jacket is an item you’ll always want to include in your suitcase. Hot days can quickly become frigid nights, so you don’t want to be caught without a jacket to keep you dry and warm.

5) Condoms

Yup, you read that right. Condoms. They’re an often overlooked travel essential, but you’d be surprised at how hard it is to obtain condoms in some parts of the world. So be safe and always have a few condoms available because sometimes what happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas. 

Mean Girls Condom GIF

Packing for a trip doesn’t have to be an anxiety-inducing experience. If you find that you under-packed for this trip, keep a list of those items on your computer so you won’t forget them next time. Have fun and stay safe! 

5 Things to Do Before a First Date

Got a first date coming up? Take a deep breath and wipe those sweaty palms on your pants because here are 5 tips to help you score big points on your first date.

1) Clean Your Shoes

While it’s true that your eyes, teeth, and hair are all very important when trying to impress a potential romantic partner, a study conducted by Allen Edmonds in 2013 revealed that many people (especially women) pay attention to one thing in particular on a first date – shoes. Regardless of whether or not you can shell out hundreds of bucks for designer brand shoes, make sure your shoes are clean. And no sneakers!

2) Cut Your Nails

This tip is especially important for the ladies. Ladies, no matter what your girlfriends tell you, long-ass acrylic nails are not appropriate for a first date. Unless you’re trying to cut your date’s steak with those nails, it’s best to stick with shorter nails. Rule of thumb: if your nails prevent you from typing comfortably on your keyboard, they’re too long.

Regardless of your gender, long nails can trap a lot of dirt and harbor bacteria. If you want to woo your date, make sure to clean and clip those nails.


3) Scrape Your Tongue

Nothing can be a bigger turnoff than bad breath. If your breath can knock the wig off your grandma’s head, you need to do more than just brushing, rinsing, and flossing. One way you can improve your breath (and your overall health) is to get the nasty bacteria off your tongue by using a tongue scraper. Your date will thank you. And you might even get lucky tonight.


4) Go Somewhere That You’re Familiar With

Plan your first date well. Going somewhere you’re not familiar with and potentially getting lost is just not cute. You can even take the opportunity to impress your date with your knowledge of the city. Instead of going the traditional route of dinner and a movie, look up local events or fun activities both of you can enjoy.


5) Go Easy on the Perfume

We get it; you want to smell good for your first date. But ODing on your perfume or cologne is just as offensive to your date’s nose as your dirty gym socks are.
Men: Use an antiperspirant well ahead of time so the ingredients have time to get to work.

Women: Just a spritz or two in strategic places like the nape of your neck is enough.


The day I stopped wearing a watch and started scraping my tongue

People are starting to take advantage of preventative health measures, while cutting out useless accessories in their lives. Studies show that people spend 5 hours / day on their smart phones and look at their phone on average 50 times / day. Why in the world would anyone need a watch when they are looking at a screen that has a clock almost all the time.


When we cut out wearing watches we are consciously making a decision to not buy into excessive societal norms. With that comes a better understanding of our health and well being. We are more likely to be health conscious and look into preventive health measures. One important measure is tongue scraping.


Small groups have been tongue scraping for hundreds of years, but only today is it becoming mainstream to be health conscious and take on preventative health measures. Scraping the nasty bacteria on your tongue prevents sore throats, sinus infections, and heart disease. A great tongue scraper can be found at www.ScrapeYourTongue.com.

If you're someone that is dropping the watch and picking up a tongue scraper then you're really on the right track to a healthy and successful life.

Eating a lot of ass lately? You should scrape your tongue

The intestinal tract is filled with bacteria that are part of the digestive process; these do not pose any health threat. However, eating ass will expose you to any bad germs or infections harbored in your partner's intestinal tract or anal area. The CDC warns that "rimming carries a risk of transmission of STDs including hepatitis A. There is also risk of intestinal parasites, like cryptosporidiosis."
In addition, the CDC cautions that "immunocompromised persons are suggested to avoid performing this activity." So if you aren't in good health and have an immune deficiency (say from AIDS or chemotherapy), eating ass could put you at serious risk.
Here's a rundown of some of the diseases you could be exposed to when eating ass:
  • Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A is a virus spread through oral contact with the fecal matter of an infected person. It affects the liver and causes symptoms such as jaundice, fatigue, and nausea. It is not a chronic infection, unlike hepatitis C. Hepatitis A can be prevented with a vaccine given before or shortly after exposure.
  • E. coli: This is a bacterial infection spread through oral contact with the fecal matter of an infected person. Its symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and intestinal bleeding.
  • Intestinal parasites:
  • These are microbial organisms that cause intestinal diseases including cryptosporidiosis, dysentery, and giardiasis. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and stomach pain. Again, these are spread through oral contact with the fecal matter of an infected person.
  • Bacterial infections: If a person contracts food poisoning, the bacteria that causes it, say salmonella for example, will be shed in their feces and could be transmitted through oral-anal contact. Symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Other STDs:
  • If the receiving partner has a rectal gonorrhea infection, it could be contracted by the active partner; gonorrhea can infect the mouth and throat. This means that theoretically a person with an oral gonorrhea infection could transmit it to the ass that they're eating. Other STDs that can be transmitted through oral-anal contact include syphilis and herpes, if either partner has an active lesion in their mouth or anal area.

A great way to prevent all of these things is by scraping your tongue! Check out www.ScrapeYourTongue.com and use the code BUTTSTUFF to get your first tongue scraper free.

Tongue scraping could prevent heart attacks

Research is beginning to see a connection between the health of the oral cavity and the cardiovascular system.

Several species of bacteria that cause periodontitis (gum infection) have been found in the atherosclerotic plaque in arteries of the heart and elsewhere. When the plaque builds up it can lead to a heart attack. 

Harvard University also believes that the toxins released by this oral bacteria could harm blood vessels or cause blood clots. In addition, any inflammation of the mouth, which can be caused by bacteria, can increase inflammation throughout the body, including in the arteries - increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. 

Daily Tongue Scraping is an easy way to reduce the bacteria, lower levels of inflammation, and possibly prevent any infection from taking place.

Get the best Tongue Scraper at www.ScrapeYourTongue.com.

'Squad Goals' added to the Oxford Dictionary

No surprise here. "Squad Goals" is as much a part of the English language these days as the words "Like" and "Anal". Oxford dictionary must have had enough with all the Squad Goals memes and decided to finally add the word to the club, along with 300 other new words like "Drunk Text" and "Cat Lady". The official definition is: noun: Used in reference to a person or thing seen as a model to aspire to or emulate, especially with one's friends (often as a hashtag in social media). So now you can enjoy some epic squad goal memes without feeling slighted by the English language...

Stay Healthy like a Caveman

It's one thing to stay healthy by cleaning your tongue, but it's equally important to watch the food you put into your body. The Paleo (Paleolithic) Diet, commonly referred to as the caveman diet, is an effort to eat like we used to back in the day…WAY back in the day. If a caveman couldn't munch on it, then neither can you. The paleo diet is so simple that “a caveman could do it.” This means anything we could hunt or find – meats, fish, nuts, leafy greens, regional veggies, and seeds... Pasta, cereal, and chocolate will have to go!

On top of eating good and having good hygiene one needs to take care of their body by working out regularly. Check out Rootz Nutrition where they post a new workout each day in the 'workout of the day' section and also for the best pre and post workout paleo supplement.