You smoke? Here's how you can prevent the Black Hairy Tongue condition

Sounds f*cking ridiculous right? but yes, there is a condition called the Black Hairy Tongue. Even if you only smoke 'like once in a while when I'm drunk' you can still develop this condition which causes the tongue to become yellow, green, black, or brown, and give the appearance of being hairy. Basically you'll look like this Panda:

Which is actually pretty cool, so maybe you should keep smoking and not cleaning your tongue. But if you do want to prevent such a condition then you should probably scrape that nasty bacteria that builds up on your tongue from smoking. Dollar Fresh Squad offers you the best tongue scraper on the market. When you join the squad a fresh one is sent to you each month for just $1 (+$2 S+H).

Obviously I put a picture of what a Black Hairy Tongue looks like. Scroll all the way down if you wish...

5 things to do before a first date

I don't care who you are - we all get butterflies in our stomach before a first date. Here are the top 5 things you can do before a first date in order to get into a comfortable state of mind:

1) Pick a spot that you're familiar with: The more surprises and unexpected situations, the more stressed you will be. It's important that you pick a venue that you've been to so you can take away a few elements of surprise, because let's be real - first dates are full of surprises.

2) Take a Shower: I hope this one isn't news to anyone. Take a damn shower before you go on your date, because you never know - you might get lucky and your partner might be into some freaky shit that calls for a prior shower.

3) Scrape your tongue: Simple, but wildly forgotten. The core of bad breath stems from the tongue. All that nasty bacteria sits on your tongue and builds up into a nasty beast. Why not use a simple tongue scraper to scrape that nastiness away. You will instantly feel more confident | check out Dollar Fresh Squad for the best and most affordable tongue scraper.

4) Listen to some pump up music: Michael Phelps does it before a race, so why wouldn't you do it before a date. It's important to get your blood flowing and get into the proper mind set to win. Nothing helps in that category like some good old fashion pump up music.

5) Take a deep breath: Be sure to arrive 10 minutes early so you can scope out the scene. Then when you see your date coming take an inconspicuous deep breath and you should be ready to go.

If you follow these 5 steps there is a 83% chance you get laid... Don't ask, it's science.

Cure hangovers with this simple trick

We've all been there. Drink all night and regret all of our decisions in the morning because of the pain and lack of motivation to do anything. It's fine sometimes, but other times we actually have stuff to do and can't let that hangover sit. Let me introduce you to the Tongue Scraper from

All that alcohol and other bad decisions (late night food & licking strangers) builds up some awful bacteria on your tongue. This bacteria can cause bad breath, sore throats, and even sinus infections. 

Using a Tongue Scraper, like the one that offers, is an easy way to scrape that nasty stuff off of your tongue and potentially cure your hangover entirely. Try it out - it's only $1

* Drink Responsibly!*