Larry once said that the only thing he ultimately got out of his failed marriage was that Sheryl taught him about tongue scraping:
(Season 8 Episode 2)
Larry also said. "The other thing was, I'm obsessed with oral hygiene. I floss constantly and she was really getting quite tired of it. I would floss in front of her and she'd be like, 'Don't floss in front of me anymore.' I was like, 'Oh, OK.' And I'm like, 'Tongue scraping, would that be OK?' Then we went out for dinner, she went to the bathroom and I tried to sneak a floss in. She caught me mid-floss. And that was it."
I have learned a surprising amount about Dental hygiene from Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. Tongue scraping is awesome.
Head to ScrapeYourTongue where you can find the best tongue scraper on the market. Add this important step to your daily hygiene efforts and you won't regret it!